The following list includes presentations and workshops that are appropriate for front-line employees, for groups that includes teams of diverse roles and responsibility levels and for leadership teams. The design of custom workshops is also available on a variety of topics.
B.E.S.T. Career Strategy
(1 hour overview and 2 hour formats)
Coaching For Career Success: Find A Coach, Be A Coach
(1 hour overview or 2 hour formats)
Respectful Workplace: Your Role
(1 hour overview and 2 hour formats)
Unconscious Bias: Self-Awareness and Discussing Workplace Challenges
(2 hour and 4 hour formats)
Work Style Differences—Using Myers-Briggs Personality Type
(2.5 and 4 hour formats)
Leadership Presentations/Workshops
The following list includes presentations and workshops that are appropriate for individuals with leadership responsibilities. The design of customized workshops is also available on a variety of topics.
Leading High Performance Teams: What’s Diversity & Inclusion Have To Do With It?
(1.5 overview and 4 hour formats)
Managing Performance, Challenge & Change
(1.5 overview and 4 hour formats)
New Leader/New Role—Key Strategies and Lessons Learned
(1 hour overview or 4 hour formats)